Time to begin looking at a plan for 2015. In reviewing 2014, Haiti missions went very well. I was able to connect with the local missionaries, Terry and Carolyn Routon. You can find more info on their ministry at www.routonshaitiblog.blogspot.com. This couple has a deep passion for their various ministries to men, women, and children. God has truly put them where he desires for them to be.
I was able to connect with the pastors. Several of them send Facebook message often. They experience the same kinds of issues that American pastors face. People are people whether in the jungles of Africa, the Northwestern Mountains of Haiti, or downtown USA. They have spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs that can be met with a pastor/shepherd who has a heart for people. The pastors of Haiti are eager to learn how they can be better pastors to their people.
I was able to connect with the pastors/wives concerning the primary relationship in the church...the pastor and his wife. I have seen several churches become sidetracked, get off mission, and experience turmoil because the church's first family was in conflict. Pastors/wives face many pressures that the members are unaware of and these pressures need to be addressed maybe in a non-threatening conference setting. The pastors/wives in Haiti face difficult circumstances because of their culture and, with direction/brainstorming, they can work together to find solutions.
I was able to connect with the local orphanage that provides for 42 children. One of my joys of last year's trip was spending time with them. They are hungry for love and attention and they are just hungry. Food is not abundant. With God's provisions and the help of others, since August I have been able to provide 4 goats and 3 pigs. The pastor who directs the orphanage has a vision of having 6-8 goats and 6-8 pigs for the purpose of continually raising animals for food. We are praying that someday that will be a reality. One goat will provide food for about 3 days. Add rice to that and there is food for everyone. A wonderful surprise came when I heard that our Children's Teamkids, that meet on Wednesday nights, had decided to begin collecting mission money to buy a goat. They have had many projects in the past. They have heard me talk about the children's need for food and they decided to do their part by purchasing a goat. The love of children!
There around 40-50 pastors in the area. Terry and Carolyn have set a goal of providing 2 goats for each church. Donations are coming in and they are on their way make that goal a reality.
On a some occasions, as time permitted, I had the opportunity to engage with people walking on roads, people shopping at the market, people looking around in stores, making home visits with a few of the pastors, and preaching in two churches. So in 2015, I plan on doing much of the same. As of right now, the plan is to go to Haiti the last week of August.