How You Can Help?

This mission opportunity will take many people to make the project come to pass.  I am asking you to consider working with me as a partner in the gospel so that I may partner up with Philippine pastors.  Here are areas you can seriously consider:

PROVISIONS FOR PRAYER: Prayer is the power source behind any movement of God and ministry of God.  I am looking for at least 40 prayer warriors who will begin praying now for the planning, the provisions, and the implementation of this mission project.  If you would commit to such a vital part of this endeavor, would you please let me know.

PROVISIONS FOR THE PEOPLE: Each trip takes on a personality of its own. The provisions depend upon the needs of pastors and the children. Right now I am not sure what that might consist of.  A time drawers nearer and I am in contact with missionaries and the orphanage, I will know more.

PROVISIONS FOR THE TRIP:  The trip will cost close to $2500 depending upon certain variables.  The cost of the trip will include monetary provisions for round-trip travel to the Philippine. On the trip, I will be providing my own lodging and meals plus the airline ticket. See the "Contribution Information" page if you would like to help monetarily.  My goal for reaching needed contributions is March 1 for the Philippines  I don't want to further commit to something for which I am unable to do.

PROVISIONS FOR THE FUTURE:  I am also looking for long term partners who might give to this ministry past this summer. Hoping this will become an annual event.  Can you help by committing to a monthly gift?

PROVISIONS FOR CURRENT FINANCIAL NEEDS: If you are interested, here are some fundraising ideas: Bake sale, church fundraiser, garage sale, car wash, save money from eating out, make a one-time gift, or regular monthly gifts.

If you are visiting this page, you are an answer to prayer.  I certainly believe God will provide and He will use His people in the process. God blesses generous people.  Below is my contact information as well as giving information.

There are four ways that you can donate/contribute to this mission project. When you do, let me know by PM on FB that you have done so. Thank you in advance for having a heart for missions and the pastors/wives/orphans of these countries.

1.    1. You can send a check directly to my home address. Please PM me on Messenger.

2.    2. You can to my Facebook page,, and click on on the “Donate” button. That will take you to and you can contribute from there.

3.   3.  You can go to my blog page, and click on the “Donate” button. This will take you to, and you can choose from two options.

4.    4. You can let me know through FB or my email that you want to contribute and tell me how much. I will then send you a request for that amount and you will have another receipt with an invoice showing where that money is going.

I am not trying to make this complicated—just giving you some options. Whichever you choose, I pray that His Kingdom will be advanced because of your prayerful participation.

Be sure to visit my blog, insert your email, and you will receive any updates when they are posted.



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