Our Mission

This mission endeavor is totally beyond myself and my efforts.  I am trusting in God for Him to do His work through me, for Him to get the glory, and for His kingdom to be expanded. As I will explain in the "How You Can Help Section", there will be a part for everyone to play should you choose to do so.

Missions is at the heart of the gospel and at the heart of the ministry of Jesus.  The gospel assumes there are sinners, unbelievers, pre-Christians, and lost people.  Jesus himself did not spend His time with those who presumed to be righteous but those who were sick and needed to be saved.  His plan was to set the pattern for reaching people and leave the work to the likes of his disciples and us.  He was so focused on this plan that He prayed for us in His High Priestly prayer in John 17.  He gave the command that all of us would be witnesses and would be so to all nations.  That means that no one or no people group was to be left out.  God has called national pastors to serve in their own countries and do the work that Jesus commissioned.  He has also commissioned us to work alongside them as provisions and availability are present.  So, there are those who pray, those who give, those who do missions inside their own country, and those who venture to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Our mission is to provide encouragement, instruction, inspiration, and a place where camaraderie can happen for pastors in the northern region of Haiti and the Philippines.  These are areas where very few outsiders come to help so the needs are great and the pastors are hungry for how they can be more effective in their God-called ministry.

This section is also entitled "Our Mission" because I am hoping to go on an annual basis and trusting that my supporters will help again each year. Your prayers are very much appreciated.

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