Friday, December 21, 2018

Holiday Greetings

A Merry Christmas


A Happy New Year

To All Prayer Warriors


To All Financial Supporters

Of All These Mission Endeavors.

(Info On Mission 2019 to Follow)

Sunday, September 2, 2018

M.I.A. = Missions In Action

Recently a mission team from Lipa, Philippines came to the San Antonio Baptist Church in Calapan City to provide food, clothing, haircuts, games, and evangelism to the many children in the church area. From the pictures, you can see that the team was able to connect with MANY children. Jesus was shared in a spiritual and material way. The children will remember this day for a long time.













Hygiene kit and school supply distribution

One of my financial partners sent a donation to provide hygiene kits and school supplies for 51 Filipino children. The event was successful and very much appreciated. AWESOME.



Wednesday, August 15, 2018

God's One Servant

Below is a need that I shared on July 25 and again on August 2. I had no idea if there would be any response. I had no idea how many might donate...50, 25, or 10. Patience is a virtue. Patience is sometimes hard to express especially when a deadline is approaching. God has no deadlines. He just has a time frame in which He works. Some call HIm an On-time God but whenever He does work, it is in His divine wisdom.

Today, I received word that there is going to be ONE person to donate. God spoke to one person and said, "I want you to provide for these 50 children". This person is very mission minded as she has helped before. I know the pastor, the children, AND the parents will be elated. God has perfect timing.


Fifty children of this Mangyan Tribe are in need of hygiene kits and school supplies by August 18. The hygiene kids will consist of one face towel, one bath soap, one toothpaste, and one toothbrush. The school supplies will include one notebook, one paper pad, one eraser, one pencil sharpener, two pencils, and two ball point pens.
The hygiene kit will cost 200 pesos per child. The school supplies will cost 135 pesos per child. So the total is 335 pesos per child or $6.25 per child or $312.50 total cost for 50 children. Praying for God to provide for these children through those He might lead to give.
50 people could donate $6.25 each to support one child
25 people could donate $12.50 each to support two children
10 people could donate $31.50 each to support five children
5 people could donate $62.50 each to support ten children
1 person could donate $312.50 to support fifty children

I've Got to Ride One of These!!!!

In the Philippines there are several forms of public travel...ferry boat, speed boats, bus, van, jeepney, and the tricycle. I ran across some pics of a vehicle I have not seen before...the Jeep-tricycle. I have no idea how much one of these would cost but I am sure not very cheap. The normal tricycle has very little room for the passengers and hard to see area while riding. This one seems to be a little spacious. These pictures are of a cycle in Batangas, Philippines. I am they are in multiple areas. I just have not seen them yet. So, sometime...I've got to ride one of these!!!


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

South Dakota Missions

Missions happens wherever we seek to serve God whether in our own backyard, in our state, in our nation, or in a country abroad. This past week my privilege was to serve with a team of twelve on an Indian reservation in South Dakota. The Lake Traverse Indian Reservation is the homeland of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate, a branch of the Santee Dakota group of Sioux Native Americans. We served at two churches, one which was predominately Indian members. Both churches were very hospitable, gracious, God-loving people who wanted to reach their community and build relationships.
We lodged at a nearby campground in cabins and commuted to the churches each day. We helped both churches lead a daily VBS schedule and I spoke of an evening at one of the churches. All of the team members came away with a sense of accomplishment for achieving what our vision was and a sense of joy at making some new friends in a place we never thought we would be. Missions will change your life and the lives of others. How and where do you feel a calling to do mission work for God and to make a difference for His Kingdom?


Pastors Steve and Jerome