Monday, March 26, 2018

Meet the Pastors

Pastor Rolando


During the summer of 2017, I became acquainted with Pastor Roland who lives in Calapan City. We have been communicating since that time.  Pastor Roland started Christlife in Jesus Name Church in 2013 and built a building. The building was damaged by a Typhoon in 2015 and again in 2016. You can imagine the struggle for the church emotionally and financially to build three times. This can also put strains on doing ministry.  A small group of people only have so much time and energy.


Since the church building has been rebuilt, Pastor Roland lives in the back of the church. He is a full-time pastor and has the opportunity to teach school values by way of the Word of God in the local school.  This gives him a great opportunity to make connections with students and other school faculty.


Pastor Roland has children who have followed in his spiritual footsteps.  He has a son and a daughter who are both pastors in the southern part of the Manila province.  Both children pastor churches which have the same name as their father's church plant.


Pastor Roland and his daughter

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Meet the Pastors

-Pastor Juls-


This is Pastor Juls in Calapan City, Mindoro, Oriental Philippines. He is very much a God-called, Spirit-led man of God who loves his church people. My first year of experiencing the Philippines, I looked and looked for an SBC church plant and no pastors in the area new of one. After some research, contacts, and emails I found out that there was one in Calapan City and several in the Manila province.


The founding pastor and his church are located south of Manila and he directed me to Pastor Juls and the church plant, Calapan Christian Family Fellowship (CCFF).  The church was planted in 2015, Pastor Juls was asked to lead the effort, and the church has done very well in reaching men, women, boys, and girls.


The church offers Sunday morning worship, afternoon children’s programs, and Wednesday Bible study. The church is tremendously blessed with children. The weekend that I was at the church, on Saturday there was a continuous flow of people of all ages coming to the church. The church seems to be the “go to place” of the community. The Pastor and the people have done well in facilitating a welcoming presence in the area.

The Sunday I was there the service included praise music led by the pastor with his guitar, two music specials, two testimonies, a baby dedication, and prayer for the church and community. The altar call included people making decisions for Christ. The service was upbeat with people participating with much enthusiasm.  


Pastor Juls is single and lives in a rear section of the church building.  This helps to place him in a strategic location as the church continues to grow in its infancy. He has a God-given vision for the church and trusts in God for the vision to come to fruition.  Currently, they are out of space and considering what their options might be. Pray for this community of faith as they experience God’s direction and blessings.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Meet the Pastors

-Pastor Jaime-

I want to introduce you to a wonderful, sweet pastor couple in the Philippines.....Jaime and Corrie Aquino. Together they started the "I Am Redeemer and Master Evangelical Church" December 9, 1995. Pastor Jamie and Corrie have been faithful for many years reaching out to their community and loving people to Christ.

I was teaching a pastor's conference and they invited me to visit their home and church after lunch and tell me their story. The above right picture is their home which Pastor built along with the church. He is a very knowledgeable carpenter and is called upon quite often by other people because of his expertise.

As you can see from the pic of the three us the platform is bare. The reason is that a Typhoon came through months before and demolished most of the church. The left pic is where there is a Bible study in progress is the corner where Pastor's family and members took cover. A large tree was uprooted and fell directedly in that corner blocking the doorway. They had to crawl out through the openings in the tree branches. The pic on the right is Pastor Jaime and Pastor Alberto moving tables together for our afternoon time together. You can see the shell of the building has been reconstructed.


I did not realize the spread that Corrie was going to provide. She is a wonderful and hostess and a wonderful cook. We had my favorite dish, Talopia, homemade bread, and ice cold coconut juice...Yummy. I ask if we could do this again the next day. lol. On the right is a pic of completion...the building and the people celebrating the new facility.


Pastor and Corrie are blessed with church family and biological family. Pray for them and their various ministries to family and community.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Corrie has a roadside market stand that she operates on a daily basis. She is a very busy lady.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Meet the Pastors

-Pastor Jayson-


I was with Pastor Jayson's congregation two years in a row. Alcate Gospel Baptist Church was a warm, caring, fellowship that went the extra mile in how they treated all members and guests. They were a loving people.

Pastor Jayson and his wife, Emz, had come to Alcate about 7 years ago following the founding pastor. The congregation had come to love their humble and gracious Pastor and followed his leadership. Jayson was young but he had much wisdom and Godly concern for the people.

There seemed to be a lot of "families" in the church...extended families. Pastor Jayson, his wife and children, and her parents lived in the back of the church. Pastor Alberto's wife, Eleanor, had two sisters and at least three nieces at this church.  There were many children which made worship and other events lively.

In 2017, Pastor Jayson felt called to leave Alcate and his Philippine community to move to Japan for the sole purpose of starting a church for Filipino people. He already had family there and had seen firsthand the need. So, he left to do the job God had called him to do. Emz and the children are planning on joining him in 2018. Pray for them in this new work.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Meet the Pastors

-Pastor Alberto-

During my first year in the Philippines I taught a Pastor/Wives conference at Pastor Alberto's church, I was privileged to speak at the church's school graduation, and spoke in Sunday morning worship. Several days I went with him to visit members.

Pastor Alberto bought a piece of property in 1996 which was still nothing but brush and trees. He had planted a church, Naujan Baptist Church, and the time had come to contruct a building. Much time and energy were needed to clear the property so that construction could begin. In January 1997 the building was completed. The church is still in the original building although the property has experienced deep flooding from Typhoons. The church started the Naujan Christian Baptist Academy in June 2005 with many graduates over the years. 

Eleanor is Pastor Alberto's wife. She is the Admistrator/Principal over the school. She also is an awesome cook. Both have recently graduated with a Degree in Counseling Theology.