Wednesday, April 18, 2018


  Prayer warriors please pray for:
1.    Safe travel both domestic and international.
2.    Seeds of the gospel to be planted and received.
3.    People to respond in faith to the grace of Jesus.
4.    The children of the churches and their journey to salvation.
5.    The children of the orphanages that their needs will be met.
6.    The pastors presented in this blog page.
7.    All the pastors who need spiritual encouragement and support in their pastoral journey.
8.    The work of the churches to have spiritual influence in their communities.
9.    Spiritual discernment to those who seek to start a new church.
10. The Bible studies presented that disciples of Jesus will become stronger.
11. God’s provisions for travel, lodging, food, supplies, and benevolent needs as they arise.
12. Spiritual success as God does His work among His Pastors and His people.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Philippines Mission 2018

Occasionally this site does not cooperate with the spacing. May have to look for another blog page.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Update on pre-trip goals.

This mission trip is starting to come together. All prayer partners please continue to be in prayer for these events.

1. Currently scheduled to speak in three churches. Trusting for one more.
2. Still waiting to hear on a conference schedule. Will be doing some evening Bible Studies with a group that wants to plant a church.
3. Will be hosting a luncheon for new pastors to get to know one another. Invitations have been sent out.

4. Will be scheduling ways to assist pastors while there. Some have already expressed some needs. I always look forward to going out into the field with the pastors.

5. The feeding of Mangyan tribe will not materialize this trip.The host pastor has other church events scheduled. Hopefully, I will be able to return there next year.

6. A pastor friend is starting a new work. He needs help in supporting a feeding event for 50+ children in the area. As of now have not heard of the cost. I will be promoting this soon as an event for you to be involved in if God so leads you. This will not materialize but his plans of starting a new work will continue.

7. Some pastors keep a little stock of Meds for their members. I hope to be able to help them purchase any meds needed.This too might be something you would like to help with. Will know more when I arrive.

8. In one church we will be buying an afternoon ice cream treat for each attendee after worship. The kids will love it. Can't wait to watch them. Should be around 50 kids and 25 adults.

9. My plan was to visit an orphanage but I don't think that is going to materialize this trip. I just learned of an orphanage in Naujan for abused/handicapped children. Now that I know of at least two orphanages then next year these can be priorities of the trip.

Well, that is a further synopsis of current plans in place. Please pray for God's provisions of transportation, lodging, food, and incidental needs. Thank you for your prayers and financial contributions.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Meet the Pastors

Pastor Delosreyes


Another pastor I became acquainted with is Pastor Delosreyes who pastors The Blessings Church in Naujan, Mindoro. He started this church in 2013. The initial building was made of bamboo with all materials donated by the membership which primarily consists of a branch of the Mangyan tribes called Alangan.  One of the Alangan tribe members donated the land for the church building.  The building was destroyed by a Typhoon in 2015 and then rebuilt.




In 2017, a Typhoon destroyed about ten homes of the Alangan tribe. Currently, the weather is coming out of the rainy season during which the people cannot go to the mountains to collect bamboo. They were able to build two homes and ten families live there.



There is a river that runs alongside the church.  This is a meaningful place because this water is used for baptisms.  Many have been immersed in these waters.  Also, there is an annual church picnic on these shores where family and friends come from many areas to attend.  Sadly and not surprisingly, this river has flooded during heavy ran going into yards and homes.  Seems like every year people in this part of the Philippines suffer from the damage of the yearly typhoons.


An interesting note is that these tribal people also use the bamboo threads to weave baskets and are very good. The baskets are very nice and a meaningful way to earn some extra income.



Pastor Delosreyes not only pastors the church but is able to work as a Learning Facilitator in a local school system.  He uses his salary for aiding in his ministry expenses and making payments on his motorcycle. He is currently looking for a used laptop. He is grateful that God continues to provide for his needs.  As a single pastor, he lives in the back of the church. He hopes to one day build a home behind the church building.