Monday, January 21, 2019

A Look at Mission 2019

Each year there are some new things added to the mission trip. This year, there is a new focus in getting into homes to provided basic necessities and providing a training event for people to learn how to make money for themselves through a small business adventure. 

1. Spend one-on-one time with six pastors providing encouragement and listening to their dreams
    for future ministry in their churches.

2. Visit in at least 10-15 homes providing groceries and other basic necessities.

3. Speak in four churches.

4. Lead two workshops.

5. Visit a newly found orphanage for disabled children. There is a high probability these children
     will never be adopted.

6. Help fund a business training event for the Mangyan Tribe to give them another avenue
    for making household income.

These are current goals as of this writing. Please pray for this trip to be taken in May, for each of
these events, and for God's provisions for each event to be fulfilled. 

Future posts will include more info on each event and the cost for each event to take place.

All Prayer Partners and Financial Partners please begin praying for Mission 2019.