Friday, March 29, 2019

Mission 2019 Expands

Good news!!!

New opportunities continue to come since I made my first list in January. The updates are marked with underlined bold letters. Please continue to pray for these events. Pray for people to be encouraged. Pray for hearts to be changed for/by the gospel. Pray for God's provisions for these events.

1. Spend one-on-one time with six pastors providing encouragement and listening to their dreams
    for future ministry in their churches.

2. Visit in at least 15+  homes providing groceries and other basic necessities for the poorest 
    of the poor. (This will depend upon funding.)

3. Help to fund and participate in two feeding programs for the poorest of the poor.

4. Speak in four churches.

5. Speak at a VBS commencement and provide a  youth camp message.

6. Lead two workshops.

7. Visit a newly found orphanage for disabled children. There is a high probability these children
    will never be adopted.  (This may not materialize. CEO leadership in Guam are not comfortable 
    with outsiders making visits even if one person.)

8. Help fund a business training event for the Mangyan Tribe to give them another avenue
    for making household income. (The funds for this have not come in.)

9. Lead baptism worship with five candidates. 

I am so grateful that more opportunities are becoming available. I seek to be a vessel for the Kingdom. 
All Prayer Partners and Financial Partners please continue praying for Mission 2019.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


 helpingFundmissions for the "Poorest of the Poor"---$50 per family who do not know where their next will come from.

People are suffering from hunger across the globe in any country you want to choose. I have seen first hand the poverty that exists in the Philippines. I have seen faces light up when presented with food because the cupboards are bare. Many children and adults are blessed to have just a hand full of rice per day. My heartbeat is to go to the "poorest of the poor" and provide food and meds. My goal is to provide 2000 pesos ($40) of food and 1000 pesos ($10) of meds to a minimum of 20 families.  I have four Filipino pastors who will make the decision of who is in the greatest need.  My goal is to receive funds by April 24, 2019, as I will be leaving the following week for Mission 2019. How many families I can help will be determined by the amount of funds received. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.