Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Did you know? An update on Haiti happenings.

Did you know....

1. That Pastor Astene's daughter died of Typhoid Malaria at 17 years of age. She had battled this illness for about three weeks but there is no cure...just treat the symptoms. She was a very sick girl. She will be missed by not only her family but all children of the orphanage. Please pray for the family.

2. There was a couple who had been living together. Some of the ladies shared with her that the Bible teaches that lifestyle is a sin. She has no idea. She really hadn't heard much out of the Bible. She went home and talked to her live-in. They said they would think about marriage. While I was there in 2015, she told the ladies she was ready to get married. While teaching the pastors/wives conference, I led a Lord's Supper and led a marry ceremony. Yes, she and her boyfriend were  married and crowd gave them a standing ovation. All of them knew of the situation and were so pleased to be able to observe this ceremony of commitment. I have heard that the wife still attends church and the husband does not. He is very intimidated and self-conscious because he cannot read. Maybe someday someone will work with him as his tutor.


3. While I have been in Haiti, Rousier has been my interpreter. He is also the Routon's interpreter and Haiti guide. He purchased a little piece of property to build a house for his young family. When I was there in 2015, the property had been marked of, some trenches dug, and some dirt hauled in as well as some blocks of cement. The plan was to "pay as you go". I have been amazed at what has happened in a year. As you can see from the pic below, the lower part of house is complete. The walls of the upper level need finishing and the roof put on. Prayerfully, the house will be finished this fall.


4. This past Spring, Terry and Carolyn received a huge blessing. For the last ten years or so, they have stayed with their daughter when in the states and visited friends and  family.  A couple they know gave them a fixer upper house.  WOW. Their plans are to remodel the house as it will be their retirement home but immediately they have their own place for stateside lodging. They are totally in awe so what God has done.

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