October 7, 2016
This afternoon I was able to Skype with some of the pastors in the mountains of Haiti. There was 13 present. When I asked how many had lost their home or their church every hand went up. After some discussion of loss, I was told that the goats/pigs purchased for the orphanage had not survived. That's okay. God has other plans to provide their daily bread. From my standpoint, there was a short life to the completed project but for about two years life was given to the children of the orphanage. Below is a short history of the project and pics of goats that that had matured.
As for the goats, that is a God thing and a success story. If you remember on my first trip in 2014, there was a need for food at the orphanage. I purchased a goat to ensure food for at least three days. Another supporter was providing on-going monies for food but had discontinued any more help. My little goat wasn’t much but that was much needed at that moment.
This afternoon I was able to Skype with some of the pastors in the mountains of Haiti. There was 13 present. When I asked how many had lost their home or their church every hand went up. After some discussion of loss, I was told that the goats/pigs purchased for the orphanage had not survived. That's okay. God has other plans to provide their daily bread. From my standpoint, there was a short life to the completed project but for about two years life was given to the children of the orphanage. Below is a short history of the project and pics of goats that that had matured.
As for the goats, that is a God thing and a success story. If you remember on my first trip in 2014, there was a need for food at the orphanage. I purchased a goat to ensure food for at least three days. Another supporter was providing on-going monies for food but had discontinued any more help. My little goat wasn’t much but that was much needed at that moment.
In August of 2014, when I left, I had given some money to be used for any orphanage needs. The director decided he wanted to build a herd of goats and sheep. Thus, a new mission project was established. I continued to stay in contact with the Routons and the director of the Orphanage. No more monies were coming in for goats. So in November I sent more money for 4 more goats/sheep. In February 2015, I sent more money.
Several times along the way I had shared with my church what was going on in Haiti and the herd project. I was to make another trip in September 2015 should the funds come in. In the meantime, the children of my church decided they wanted to be part of the project so they started putting back their monthly mission offering for that purpose. Then, as my trip got closer, members came up to me and said they wanted to buy a goat or two. Long story short, I went on the 2015 trip with the goal of completing the herd that the director of the Orphanage had envisioned for their needs. Mission accomplished! The orphans were elated and lavished me with hugs. I told them that this was a joint effort that included children and adults of my church as well as a few Facebook friends. God has planted a major mission seed in many hearts.
I thought some of you would be interested in seeing the goats that were purchased last year and see what they look like today. This is so fulfilling being in something God inspired.
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