Greetings to my Philippine 2017 Partners:
Thank you to the 10 individuals/couples who generously donated to this mission endeavor. I wanted to give a final synopsis of the trip which will take place in May.
The journey begins by visiting and helping a new church plant. The church was started on August 15, 2015, and the attendance is about 80 people. Six home bible studies have been started. Very good for that area. I will be leading a marriage workshop for the church, speaking on Sunday, spending some time with the pastor, and learning about their future needs.
I will enjoy connecting with pastors I met on last year's trip and getting caught up on them, their families, and their churches. We have kept in touch but nothing like an in-person conversation/discussion.
The intervention ministry to one of the Mangyan tribes is now in place. I found out that there are six dialects and each dialect constitutes a tribe. I will be working with the Alangan tribe. This tribe consists of 70 children and 80 adults. I will be giving an evangelist message to the group and then a meal will be provided for every person there….150+ people. Then each family will receive a sack filled with groceries (40 sacks). Each family will also receive a variety of meds and the children will each receive a toy. The funds you contributed will go to:
1. Purchasing food for the meal.
2. Providing a monetary gift to the chef.
3. Purchasing groceries for the sacks and the meds as well as the toys.
4. Providing a rental car for transportation of myself, my host pastor, and the sacks.
I am so looking forward to this ministry opportunity. The Mangyan tribes, which includes this Alangan tribe, are not around too many white people but are accepting. Pray for this to be a positive experience for everyone.
1. Purchasing food for the meal.
2. Providing a monetary gift to the chef.
3. Purchasing groceries for the sacks and the meds as well as the toys.
4. Providing a rental car for transportation of myself, my host pastor, and the sacks.
I am so looking forward to this ministry opportunity. The Mangyan tribes, which includes this Alangan tribe, are not around too many white people but are accepting. Pray for this to be a positive experience for everyone.
There is another church where I will also do a workshop and speak. The removal of brush around a house in which construction came to halt two years ago is still scheduled. Several years ago a family started building a house. The walls of each room were completed before they ran out of money. There were walls but no flooring or roof. Since then, the family has sought to raise money, the church has contributed, and work will begin in May. The problem is that over the last two years brush and small trees have grown up around the house to the point that access to the house is very limited. I have been invited to help with the project in the removal. It will be nice to get know the family as well as other church members.
I found out last year that other ministry opportunities just seem to materialize and I am sure that will be true this year.
God bless you for your thoughtfulness, your generosity, and your support. Please pray for the people in the Philippines, the pastors, the churches, and the Mangyan tribes. Since I was there last year I have some geographical bearing on where places are. Hopefully, I won’t get lost. LOL Also, please be pray with me as I look towards the fall and another possible trip to the northwestern mountains of Haiti.
God bless you as you are involved in missions in your own community, your state, your nation, and the ends of the earth.
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