Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Global Crisis/Suffering...Just Across the Ocean

Many, if not most of us, are either semi or fully quarantined at home experiencing "cabin fever". Many are still working and many have lost their jobs.  One of the most rewarding things you can do right now is to focus on helping someone else. Call a friend, family member, or senior adult to check on them, take them some of your food stock if they are low, or just give them some much-needed conversation.

I started this week helping to give out foods to the school students who were at home. They were excited to receive the food and said a hearty "thank you". You would have enjoyed the sweet smiles.  For those whom you know who really need the food, this project is a very fulfilling one. There is such a high number across our world who are suffering in different ways because of the economic downturn. One way is the lack of food. This is always an ongoing global pandemic.

In the last five years, I have seen people who were suffering from much hunger. Below, is a memo from a Filipino pastor. I have been in the homes of those who only have rice for the day. I have seen people who didn't have a meal for that day. When I would do these community feeds, as mentioned in my GoFundMissions page, these people would come to for a meal and a worship service.  They were so appreciative to know that someone cared. They felt as if God had not abandoned them. They had hope for another day.

Many of you have helped this mission through the years. Many are helping now. The need never ends. If it is one meal or five meals, smiles abound. Just think...how would you feel if you didn't know where or when your next meal would come.

This mission endeavor delineates its purpose and its scope. This is not a one-time-fix-all project. We just help hundreds of people get through another day.

As I write this, I am very sad. With the global crisis, I have yet to see an opening for me to travel as planned. People are still giving and those financial gifts will be honored. The plans were to provide school supplies and food for the people.  As of this writing and in the near future, school is the unknown--needing food for physical sustenance is known.

So, irrespective of my travel plans, the money given will still go towards the purchase of food.  If you have any desire to give towards this mission, I am asking you to send by the middle of April and then the money given will be forwarded on to the respective pastors. I can only send what is given. To be honest, I am hoping to get the needed monies so I do not have to choose a specific pastor to support.

As I stated, the monies for food will be sent once their quarantine is lifted. The money for school supplies will be sent when school resumes. Their school year actually ends sometime in March and restarts the first week of June. So, food first, then school supplies.

Thank you for reading this. God bless you for prayers and financial support.

Gregory T. Bunn



Dear brethren in Christ, Because of the enhancement community quarantine mandated by the government due to novel coronavirus that is fast spreading, our church members are already severely affected especially our members who are in the squatters area and our members who are from Mangyan tribe because they cannot able to go out from their houses to find a job. They just live one day at a time. The wages they earn from their work today is the one that they buy food tomorrow. And since they are in a house quarantine, they cannot go out to work. So they don't have money to buy food for their families.
As their pastor, my concern is for their welfare. Because of this, I am knocking in your good heart if you could donate any amount to assist them to buy some food and medicine until the lockdown will remove.
If you are touch by God to send some assistance to these poor families just communicate to me in the messenger. Thanks and God bless! Yours in Christ, Ptr. J.F.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Mission 2020 Opportunities

Well, the most wonderful time of the year for me is NOW. Making plans for Mission 2020 and then anticipating the fulfillment of those plans brings me much joy. I have met so many pastors and people, some of the most gracious, kind, and hospitable people. This will be my fifth year to journey to the Philippines. There have been so many memorable moments I will never forget. Many speaking engagements, visiting in numerous homes, pastors coming to conferences, children hungry for hugs and attention, helping with home re-constructions, providing food, clothing, school supplies, hygiene kits, and medicines, shearing Jesus, hearing people say “yes” to Jesus, baptizing new believers, and making many new friends just to name a few. With the prayers of prayer partners and donations from financial partners, much has been accomplished. 

As a rule, I have thought of events/ministries, visited with pastors to see if those ideas would meet current needs in their churches, and then made plans for implementing those ideas. Sometimes the plans change or we decide to do something totally different. Sometimes there are not enough funds so we change the direction of the ideas. My focus has always been to help them as I can.

As of this writing, here is what the plans are to:

1.    Help to provide school supplies for 155 children.
Three churches are seeking to provide supplies for the children in their community/ministry area. The average cost of providing School Supplies is 350 pesos or $7.00 per child. As in the states, different grades call for a different set of supplies. For 155 Children, that comes to 54,900 pesos or $1,085. How many children, at $7.00 each, would you be willing to sponsor?

2.    Help to provide food for 300 people at two community evangelistic events.
Two churches will be providing a community feeding. Each one is expecting 150 people. The cost for 300 will be $1.50 per person. That comes to 22,500 or $450. How many adults/teens/children would you be willing to sponsor?

3.    Serve as Camp Pastor for a Youth camp.
I think there are eight churches going together to have this camp. I will speak six times.

4.    Speak in six churches and lead home bible studies

5.    Spend one-on-one time with eight pastors encouraging them in their ministry areas.!
6.    Visit three or four new church plants that were started this year.

I am sure that other opportunities will arise once I am there. I am so grateful for all those who pray for me, the pastors, the congregations, and those who do not know Jesus. I am always in awe of how my financial partners support these ministry trips and events. Thanks to ALL of you for what you do. God Bless!!!

School Supplies and Evangelistic Feeding Programs

Philippines Mission 2020

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed."
Proverbs 19:17 (ESV)

Would you like to join a cooperative effort to provide school supplies for 155 children or food for 300 people? These will be my major projects this year for Mission 2020.

Many parents have a financial issue of not having enough money to purchase school supplies for their children. Not uncommon for families to have at least two to seven children. When a mom or dad or both work for 220 to 400 pesos per day ($4.40-$8.00), school supplies become a major expenditure. Local churches struggle as well to purchase school supplies for children. With that in mind, I am putting out an SOS to help churches to Supply Our Students. Three churches with a total of 155 children will participate in this project.

All of the churches that I work with started out as church plants and continue to be active in reaching new people for Christ. A popular outreach/evangelistic event is the community feeding. Church members invite their friends to come to a meal and learn about Jesus. The news of this feeding gets around quickly. Then, people come because a meal is being provided. Last year, one church that normally runs 60 had around 130 at a community feeding. Two churches will participate in this project of feeding around 300 people.

How can you be involved and make these events successful? I’m glad you asked.

School Supplies
Three churches are seeking to provide supplies for the children in their community/ministry area.  The average cost of providing School Supplies is 350 pesos or $7.00 per child. As in the states, different grades call for a different set of supplies. For 155 Children, that comes to 54,900 pesos or $1,085. How many children, at $7.00 each, would you be willing to sponsor?

Evangelist/Outreach Feedings
Two churches will be providing a community feeding. Each one is expecting 150 people. The cost to feed 300 will be $1.50 per person. That comes to 22,500 or $450. How many adults/teens/children would you be willing to sponsor?

If you would be so kind, please send your generous contribution by April 15. Send me PM and we can discuss where/how to send.

Do for one what you wish you could do for all….