Saturday, March 7, 2020

School Supplies and Evangelistic Feeding Programs

Philippines Mission 2020

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed."
Proverbs 19:17 (ESV)

Would you like to join a cooperative effort to provide school supplies for 155 children or food for 300 people? These will be my major projects this year for Mission 2020.

Many parents have a financial issue of not having enough money to purchase school supplies for their children. Not uncommon for families to have at least two to seven children. When a mom or dad or both work for 220 to 400 pesos per day ($4.40-$8.00), school supplies become a major expenditure. Local churches struggle as well to purchase school supplies for children. With that in mind, I am putting out an SOS to help churches to Supply Our Students. Three churches with a total of 155 children will participate in this project.

All of the churches that I work with started out as church plants and continue to be active in reaching new people for Christ. A popular outreach/evangelistic event is the community feeding. Church members invite their friends to come to a meal and learn about Jesus. The news of this feeding gets around quickly. Then, people come because a meal is being provided. Last year, one church that normally runs 60 had around 130 at a community feeding. Two churches will participate in this project of feeding around 300 people.

How can you be involved and make these events successful? I’m glad you asked.

School Supplies
Three churches are seeking to provide supplies for the children in their community/ministry area.  The average cost of providing School Supplies is 350 pesos or $7.00 per child. As in the states, different grades call for a different set of supplies. For 155 Children, that comes to 54,900 pesos or $1,085. How many children, at $7.00 each, would you be willing to sponsor?

Evangelist/Outreach Feedings
Two churches will be providing a community feeding. Each one is expecting 150 people. The cost to feed 300 will be $1.50 per person. That comes to 22,500 or $450. How many adults/teens/children would you be willing to sponsor?

If you would be so kind, please send your generous contribution by April 15. Send me PM and we can discuss where/how to send.

Do for one what you wish you could do for all….

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